Monday, August 27, 2012

Morning Drops

There was rain early this morning.
It's so hard to get out of bed when it rains!

A brief shower followed by intermittent blasts of sun,
the drops on the window screen sparkling like stars.

A busy week ahead.
Coco, this is one of my favorite mugs.


  1. These pictures are so soothing J. Rainy days may me want to curl up under a blanket with a nice book in bed and hibernate. That cup of coffee looks really good right now. I've been cut down on coffee, but I may have to cave in and have some this morning. I need it!

  2. your rainy day is cozy. i like the pattern
    on on the cup. taste good in favorite cup isn't it.

  3. coming by here to give you a
    big ♡hug my dear j,


  4. Yes, rainy days are reading days. I love the mug. Perfect for a cup of tea.

  5. hello j!!
    I received your address from v
    but didn't know you will be the one
    sending me a magazine
    I made a packet and hope you will like it
    and no, I do not know selvedge magazine
    surprise me!
    I am easily pleased
    liking and loving so many things

    Patrice A.

    P.S. the books you make are just wonderful!

  6. I send my package today and I should apologize me!!!
