Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Thomas Mann Workshop

The Friday before last I attended Day One of the Thomas Mann workshop, 
"Design for Survival: Entrepreneurial Thinking and Tactics for Artists."

Although I have been running a business for over 25 years I never quite
understood how had the confidence to apply business thinking to my artwork.

Listening to him speak and explain the thought processes behind building
 a working budget and managing your "brand" I must
admit that I came away with a confident set of ideas and goals that 
I can now apply to my work.

Day two we were supposed to bring in our own work,
along with artist statement, press release, etc for discussion.
I learned from a friend who was able to attend that she and others
walked away with a sense of confidence in their work and 
a suggested direction for their efforts.

I'm sorry the flu took me away from the second day
but I do think I learned quite a lot even just on day one.

Thanks to all who wished me well during my bout with the flu.
I'm finally feeling better.

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