Friday, August 09, 2013

finally friday

It's been a soupy, rainy week but the clouds cleared late in the day
and the weekend forecast looks nice.

This is a corner of my kitchen window, it's my orchid window.
Current count is ten...yes, I have a little problem...*smile*

The magenta  phalaenopsis is dropping its flowers and the 
yellow paphiopedilum is on its sixth and probably final bloom.

Most of my orchids begin blooming in late winter/early spring,
 those are just now dropping flowers and entering their period of rest.

There is a little phalaenopsis that is about to bloom, its flower doesn't 
last very long but, unlike most of its kind, it has a strong, sweet scent.

I'm still loving the handkerchief curtain.
Maybe a quick shrimp salad for dinner.
Have a great weekend!
xo, j


  1. what a beautiful!!! image
    i love that curtain, the orchids (off course!)
    and that frog ;^))

    whish you a fine, fine weekend

    Patrice A.

  2. ohh J that's a great photo, I love it!!
    Enjoy the weekend!
