wetland along trail |
lake alice |
anhinga |
big snapping turtle looking for handouts |
pied-billed grebe |
american egret |
spanish moss |
morning thunderstorm |
Last weekend I was able to fly down to Florida to celebrate
a belated Christmas with my family.
The sky was grey but the temperature mild.
Saturday morning Farmer's Market (imagine fresh produce!)
and a hike through the woods with my brothers and nephew.
Although we didn't see a gator there was a splash
and then a bubble trail in the marsh that suggested one was close.
Many birds including Ibis, Sandhill Cranes and Snowy Egrets
as well as the species shown above.
It was good to get away and be around all those I love.
I must admit to sleeping most of this weekend away…
but an adventure awaits on Friday!
xo, j