Tuesday, May 14, 2013

back home

I've just returned from a week long trip to visit with family in Florida.
The gator was about 7 feet long and quite close to the shore of Lake Alice.
I always consider it good luck to see a gator while back home,
like my visits to place a coin in the mouth of the Porcellino
at the Loggia del Mercato Nuovo in Florence, it seems to promise my return.

Awaiting my arrival, alongside a very happy cat. were these two treasured correspondences.
With blanket spread on the floor for a morning picnic I opened each  while drinking my coffee.

I couldn't have asked for a warmer home coming!
Thank you V and X, I have so many of both your beautiful blog posts to catch up on!

Be prepared for the upcoming barrage of holiday photos!
xo, j


  1. Welcome home! Sophie must be very happy to have you back ^-^ and I'm looking forward to seeing your holiday photos!
